Each professional decade brings new treatment golden arrows for clinicians to embrace and implement when treating patients with
persistent pain. Often these tools fall short as means for revolutionary results and are prematurely abandoned in response to
misdirected utilization. This presentation will discuss the integration of orthopaedic manual therapy, sensorimotor control strategies,
biopsychosocial skillsets, pain science education, and medical intervention to explore solutions for redirecting patients’ persistent
pain experiences.
Phil Sizer is an Endowed Professor in Pain Science, a TTUHSC President’s University Distinguished Professor, and the Associate Dean
for Research in the School of Health Professions at TTUHSC. As a professor at TTUHSC, Phil has coordinated or instructed in over 250
graduate course deliveries. His research interests include: sensorimotor control and functional biomechanics of spine / extremities
clinical pathoanatomy and tissue and movement screening. Dr. Sizer has lectured at over 400 national and international courses and
conferences authored over 110 peer-reviewed articles, 3 monographs, and 24 editorial commentaries in refereed journals coauthored 12 international books or book chapters and 12 Educational DVDs and participated in over 170 research platform and poster presentations. Dr. Sizer is a co-founding partner and CEO of TKQuant, LLC and co-inventor of the patent-pending Tis-Kin™
technology. He is the Co-PI of the NSF I-Corps Team: Tissue Kinematics Quantification that conducted over 220 customer discovery