08:11duration 8 minutes 11 seconds
Episode 143 StatlineTV 05/19/2023
06:55duration 6 minutes 55 seconds
Episode 65 StatlineTV 08/13/2021
The guys bring us another TTUHSC first with the BSN to DNP graudates. All this and more on this week's episode.
38:56duration 38 minutes 56 seconds
StatlineTV Hosts a Town Hall | May 21, 2020
2020 Graduation Tribute hosted by Bryce Looney and Justin White.
52:07duration 52 minutes 7 seconds
StatlineTV Hosts a Town Hall | April 23, 2020
Best Practices for Distance Teaching – Rebecca Sametz, Ph.D., CRC, LPC, VRT, ETS, and Amy Moore DNP, APRN, FNP-C, faculty in the Schools of Health Professions and Nursing. This activity has…