Search for tag: "hsc library - permian basin campus"

Publishing Your Case Report

From  Rebecca Brandenburg 45 plays 0  

Creating an Effective Presentation

This short narrated presentation identifies best…

From  Rebecca Brandenburg 59 plays 0  

Genetic & Rare Diseases - Resources - Narrated

Learn more about genetic and rare diseases…

From  Rebecca Brandenburg 40 plays 0  

National Institutes of Health - Funding Opportunities

From  Rebecca Brandenburg 15 plays 0  

Using Medline Plus to Improve Health Information Literacy

From  Rebecca Brandenburg 21 plays 0  

The Health Information National Trends Survey

The National Trends Survey (HINTS) on…

From  Rebecca Brandenburg 19 plays 0  

Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System - the value of a life.

CDC’s WISQARS™ is an interactive,…

From  Rebecca Brandenburg 24 plays 0